Thursday, May 10, 2012

New Lino Block Print

This image is based on a graveyard statue from the 1700's. I love prowling around old graveyards. The artwork on old stones is amazing!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Madonna Lino Block

The Madonna lino block. I refined it a bit more so the facial details show up better when printing. I've found the smalles V~gouge works best for cutting away what isn't needed. It takes a lot longer when using a small gouge, but there's less risk of cutting too deep and ruining the block!

Lino block images

The original image & the sketch I used to create my lino block. The hardest part of carving, for me at least, is remembering to carve away what you don't want to print! Since this is only the third time I've created a lino block I still need to really think about the process. Some day, with enough practice, I'm sure it will become second nature!

Friday, May 4, 2012

New block print....

I decided to do a bit of lino carving tonight. This Madonna~like image has been in my mind for a while now. The lino block needs a bit of refining, but had to print it just to see how it was coming along!

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