Monday, April 8, 2013

A New Beginning

 Hello Dear Ones!

 Welcome to my new, totally improved, authentic ME blog. You'll notice right off that the name has changed from Artzy Diva to Wild Raven Arts. I may be an Artzy Diva, but my studio and business is Wild Raven Arts. In the spirit of creating a more personal, authentic voice for my blog adventures, the name change had to reflect that as well. Also, from here on out my real name is public knowledge. How can I possibly be authentic if no one knows who I really am? Kristin Wilkinson, aka Wild Kristin, with the multiple raven tattoos, purple hair, loud voice, brutal truth, genuine artistic eccentric personality is here to live out loud. Get use to it.

  The past few years have been ones of letting go of relationships that don't work, in particular a marriage of more than 2 decades, battling seriously declining health, numerous attempts to recreate a suitable working life, and many, many triumphs and failures. through all of this the thing that kept me going was creating. No matter how down I was emotionally or physically, the simple act of making art lifted me up and enabled me to move forward. Art heals. It transforms. It allows you to work through all the icky parts and transform those bits into beauty. 

  The past few years have also been filled with light. Letting go of what doesn't work opened the door for what does. I found the Love of my life, my soul mate and true partner during this time. And am blessed to have him in my life, to love, laugh, cry and share with at the most deepest levels. This is an entirely new kind of relationship for both of us. Never before have we experienced feelings like these, with an intensity that simply does not wane. All I can say is WOW. 

  I've also been blessed with many new friendships, from women I have never even met, but we know each other all the same. This group of women came together via Effy Wild's  online journal arts course Book of Days. For whatever reason, various women of the group have formed REAL friendships. Perhaps it's because we all share the same desires for digging deep and getting to know ourselves. Or maybe it's because we are all creative souls with big hearts and honest voices. whatever the reasons, we were most definitely brought together for Big Reasons.  These women are all so spirited, authentic and supportive it awes me. I consider myself so lucky to be a part of such a circle of friends. We may never meet, although I hope we do, but that alone cannot break the bonds of friendship.

  Part of my new adventure is creating a set of online classes. Art based, of course, but more than that. I believe every act of creation is a spiritual act. Whether you believe this or not is up to you, but I can assure you, it is. For years I facilitated face to face  classes in Creative Spirituality. This was before online courses were easily accessible and abundant. It is past the time for me to take what I once taught live and transform it into an online venue. I have a real calling to do this. The Universe has been pushing me in this direction for a long time, and now The Universe has provided the help and encouragement I need in the form of some wonderful women (Raine, Effy, Denise S.--you all rock my peanut butter cups!).

 Within a month, hopefully by May 1, I will start offering Moon Shadows. Moon Shadows is a course I designed years ago, but was unable to follow through on because of declining health. Based on the 13 Moon cycles of the year, Moon shadows incorporates daily creative practice with Celtic Moon lore, Goddesses, daily spiritual practice and more.  Why Celtic in nature? Because I have always, always been drawn to the Celtic customs. In particular  the Welsh Celtic. Long before I even knew I come from the Welsh, this path called to me. It still does. While the materials I offer will be based on Welsh Celtic traditions, it is Universal. Students will be able to take what I offer and use it with any tradition. Students who have no particular tradition will be able to use this as a starting path on their road to discovery. Empowering women, and men too if they want, is at the core of everything I offer. It's going to be juicy, deep and fun. it's going to evolve as I learn the ins and outs of online teaching. It's going to feed our souls!  I am positively giddy with excitement and looking forward to this adventure so very much!  Stay tuned for more information!   

  I am also reviving my old newsletter. I use to put out a bi-weekly, snail mail newsletter many moons ago. It is time I started putting out a weekly, email newsletter to keep everyone in the loop! Once I figure out which newsletter program to use I'll be adding a sign up area. For signing up I'll be gifting everyone a little something. Art based, totally Wild Raven Arts, and yours to keep forever. I'm thinking a pdf of my favorite art techniques or a special collage sheet I create. Once I know, you'll know!

 So it begins. New artful adventures. New classes. A new outlook on life, creativity and sharing.

 Thanks for coming along for the ride!



  1. I love your new blog and I can't wait to see more. I agree with you that we are all together in BOD for way big reasons!! I am happy that we are!

  2. Thanks Kelli!!! BOD is definitely the nucleus for BIG things for us all!!!

  3. I'm so proud of you! And honored to be your friend. It's nice to see that in print, too! ;-)

  4. Ditto what Rained said! Way to go...and only the beginning! So proud of you <3

  5. Lol correct. Grr

  6. Love you ladies so very much! Thanks for the support. We are all going to rock the world in major ways!

  7. Love this Kristin! Your new blog is awesome, and your workshop sounds awesome too! I'm happy for you!


Thanks for stopping by!